Welcome to Kaiser Permanente
It’s easy to get started with these simple steps.
Find a doctor
Having a doctor you connect with is an important part of taking care of your health. You can choose any in-network doctor you like and change doctors at any time.
Find a doctor who matches your needs today.
Transfer prescriptions
Transfer your prescriptions to make sure your refills are ready when you need them. Call 206-630-0029 or 1-888-844-4607 or sign on to transfer your prescriptions. A pharmacist may reach out to you for additional information. After your prescriptions are transferred, you can save time and money with our Mail Order Pharmacy.
Sign on to transfer your prescriptions.
Welcome calls
Look for Kaiser Permanente and 206-204-6009 on your caller ID. We are calling to welcome you to Kaiser Permanente.
Member guides
Find information about your plan including how to access primary, specialty, emergency, mental health, and urgent care; important contact numbers; and more.
Care options
You have choices for how to get care, including E-visit for some common issues.