General use:
Fill device with ice cubes to fill line, then cold water to fill line. If you choose to use frozen water bottles, you MUST remove any labels and label glue or the machine will clog up, You can use medium blocks of ice (frozen in a clean, plastic food container and emptied into the cooler) and cold water.
Keep the cooling device level with your knee. The pump won’t have to work as hard, thus will be more effective at cooling your knee.
If you are having difficulty troubleshooting the device, a customer service phone number can be found on the device
Whenever disconnecting, ensure the device is unplugged first. Wait 60-90 seconds to allow the water to drain out of the knee wrap into the device. Then, disconnect the connectors (do not use force – see below).
It is actually most effective to remove the knee wrap from the leg before walking or moving (so it doesn't maintain body heat). In this scenario, the knee wrap stays connected to the device and you may get up and move around. When plugging the power cord back into the unit, it may take some time for the knee wrap to become cool again.
When reconnecting the tubing, always be sure to listen for the 'click' on both connection points before turning on the device again (plugging the power cord back in to the device).
Don't pull on the tubing. Carefully disconnect each time using the 2 metal tabs. When pressing the tabs properly, the valve will release and the connectors will spring away from each other, making disconnecting easier.
Leaking wrap. It is rare for a wrap to actually leak. Some condensation is normal, especially if you are recovering in a very warm room. This is in part why it is important to always have a barrier between your skin and the knee wrap. This barrier may have to be replaced every so often to accommodate for the normal collection of condensation.
Not cold enough.This is usually due to not allowing the warm water from the knee wrap to drain back into the device before disconnecting the connector points. See above for proper disconnection.